♫♪ I want to ride my bike ♫♪

Beautiful things when I´m on my way. 

Three times a week I cycle through the forest and feel like one with the nature. In the beginning I was a little bit scary, felt fear an felt like an intruder.
Now 2 month later I feel a warm welcome. It´s like the trees are whispering and rustling with their leaves. 
Birds are singing their own song, some of them you can see and some are upon the treetops.
When silence falls you only hear the sound of my bike, "kgggt, kggggt, kggggtt"

Yes, I have an old bike. I had to choose, saving further for a second-hand bike or a photo camera.
Well I chose for the last. Because I love blogging ♫♪♥☺♪

Let´s bike ...... After the forest I come a across an open field and meadows. Where the wind is often waiting for me to play. He blows and I have to ride through it.
Sometimes it takes a lot of energy, but then I get treated with other beautiful things.


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